Risk card

TRISAVO risk map 2024 

Our risk classification - orientation when assessing countries and regions

The world is always on the move. It is all the more important to be able to rely on a dedicated expert assessment of the security situation worldwide. Our risk classification provides an important clue, about the categories of which we would like to inform you at this point.

The risk classification is made up of assessments of the following categories: entry and exit, transport (airplane / air traffic, local public transport, taxis, cars / rental cars, other means of transport), strike, infrastructure (money, telephone / mobile communications, internet, Electricity), health (vaccinations, risk of infection, hygiene, health care), natural hazards and the environment, security (crime, demonstration / unrest, terrorism, armed conflict), economic security (corruption, industrial espionage) and special risks (cultural features, LGBTQ, female travelers, Criminal law peculiarities). A large number of factors therefore play a role in the classifications of the countries and regions. Countries and regions in which travelers should inform themselves about country-specific risks in advance of a trip are marked with the signal colors orange and red. In principle, however, relevant information is stored for travelers in countries with lower risks.


Very low risk (dark green)

Traveling is generally associated with very low risks. The country, the region can be visited without restrictions.
Violent crime against travelers is rare and there are no outstanding natural hazards and health risks. Security forces and rescue services are available quickly and reliably. There are high standards in the areas of transport and infrastructure. Terrorist organizations operate in the country, but they are limited. An abstract terrorist threat situation is therefore not recorded here. Violent protests tend to be rare and / or localized. Strikes very rarely affect elementary services (e.g. police and doctors' strikes never or very rarely). Thunderstorms do exist, but they are rarely destructive over a large area.

Low risk (light green)

Traveling is associated with low risks. The country, the region can be visited with few restrictions.
There are strike, health, natural hazards, crime and / or demonstration risks that can affect travel and require special measures. Country-specific categories must therefore be observed. For example, there may be travel restrictions due to strikes, tropical diseases, special natural hazards (earthquakes, tropical storms, seasonal storms), violent crime or increased protests. Travelers should inform themselves about possible risks on site using the description of the location and instructions on how to behave.

Increased Risk (Yellow)

Traveling is associated with increased risks. The country, the region, however, can be visited without extensive precautions.
The security situation is tense due to widespread violent crime and / or there are significant health risks, natural hazards or special risks. Prolonged, violent protests are possible on site. In the run-up to the trip, travelers should inform themselves about the risks on site based on the description of the location and instructions on how to behave, follow additional instructions on how to behave and exercise increased vigilance.

High risk (orange)

Traveling is associated with high risks. The country, the region can only be visited with major restrictions. Major precautions must be taken before the trip (e.g. safety concept for the trip). Traveling to these areas is usually not recommended.
The security situation in some parts of the country is extremely tense due to armed conflicts, terrorist organizations, pronounced violent crime and / or frequent unrest. The affected areas can also be difficult to access for travelers. In the run-up to the trip, travelers should inform themselves in detail about the risks on site based on the description of the location and the instructions on how to behave, follow comprehensive instructions on how to behave and exercise particular caution. Separate security measures are often required on site.

Very High Risk (Red)

Traveling is associated with very high risks. The country, the region can only be visited with considerable restrictions or not at all. Comprehensive precautions must be taken before the trip (e.g. safety concept for the trip). Detailed travel planning is essential in advance. Travel to these areas is generally not recommended.
The security situation is extremely tense due to armed conflicts, terror organizations, massive violent crime and / or unrest and large parts of the country are not or hardly under state control. Security forces and rescue services are not or hardly available. The affected areas can also be difficult to access for travelers. You should not travel to the area without carefully informing yourself in advance about the risks on site based on the description of the location and the instructions on how to behave, following the comprehensive instructions on how to behave and exercising a very high degree of caution.